Richard Matheson's 1954
I Am Legend is probably the most influential horror novel of the 20th century. Over the years I've owned various paperback editions of it, having first read it during summer break in high school. I had this
Omega Man tie-in version from the early '70s.

So I started thinking about other editions of it, and while looking I came across
The I Am Legend Book Archive. I love finding other horror obsessives who catalog their mania in minute detail, but I don't think I've ever seen a blog that focuses solely on
one book. Pretty cool. Check it out.

Hi Will -
Thanks for the mention of the archive.
I've really enjoyed poking around your site. I've added a link to your page on our blog as we get excited about the same kind of stuff.
I have the fourth one down. Just for the record.
Thanks, John, glad you're digging the blog. I knew had to feature the archive soon as I saw it!
Bill, I've got a weird hardcover that's like a reprint of one of the early paperback versions; I think it's some science-fiction book club or something.
The black cover is really neat. My copy is the Will Smith movie tie-in. Boo.
They made a movie out of this with Will Smith?!?
I recently saw the first movie version, The Last Man on Earth, with Vincent Price in the lead and found it to be quite good. Better than I had expected.
Price's version is probably the best. It preserves the big twist that's central to the concept, whereas the other adaptations simply reduce the film to "post-apocalyptic dude kills monsters and stuff".
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