Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Richard Matheson's Other Classics: 3 Hits from Hell

"The occult" was what publishers called horror before Stephen King. Ursula Andress will massage your temples if you're feeling psychic. And black widow spiders aren't fuzzy.

That is all.


Neal said...

That Hell House cover design looks similar to The Exorcist paperback I remember as a kid. Probably came out around the same time.

Alpha Stone said...

Point of trivia for Neal - the ghostly image on the cover of The Exorcist is Shirley MaClaine's daughter.

Great covers, Will!

Will Errickson said...

Gilligan, that is news I can use! Love it.

The Man-Cave said...

That Shrinking Man cover is perfect! Definitely the scariest point of the film...yeah I never read the book.

Richard of DM said...

My library just pissed me off. We only have The Shrinking Man and I am Legend. That's it. I think I need to speak to the director about this!