
Monday, October 28, 2013

Joe R. Lansdale Born Today, 1951

Happy 62nd to the one and only Joe R. Lansdale! As you can see by these paperback covers, Joe can do it all: splatterpunk, thrillers, westerns, crime, dark fantasy, science fiction. If you haven't read Lansdale... what are you waiting for?!


  1. I've been looking for a good horror trilogy lately. Thanks for all the ideas on this blog!

  2. Gosh, I love this site haha. I get so excited looking at mt stacks of unread books (many of which are horror novels and collections). I recently bought a copy of The Best of Joe R. Lansdale and am so so excited to read. It's one of those books I'm certain I'll love. The stories seem so original, and some of them won awards. Can't wait!
