
Friday, May 15, 2015

Zebra Horror Paperbacks: The 1990s

Even as the paperback horror boom raced toward its inevitable fall, Zebra Books continued to crank out these little lovelies. The creepy kids' hair and clothing styles get updated and more photo-realistic, but overall it's still the same old story, tales of death all gory...

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Demonic Color. It's been a few decades since I read it, but I remember it having some particularly clunky prose. I probably would have forgotten it entirely if I hadn't read about it being pulled from the market for plagiarizing Dean Koontz. Authors Dawn Pauline Dunn and Susan Hartzell (writing under the name Pauline Dunn) borrowed heavily from Koontz's Phantoms for their novel The Crawling Dark, and to a lesser extent for Demonic Color. I found this New York Times article about it.
