
Friday, March 20, 2015

Jack Cady Born Today, 1932

Read a nice little bio of the late Mr. Cady from Valancourt Books, who recently republished his well-regarded 1981 horror novel The Well. Cady was a beloved creative writing teacher in the Pacific Northwest and published works in the horror, science fiction, and historical fiction genres, as well as dark fantasy under the pseudonym Pat Franklin (with decidedly '90s cover art!).



  1. I had no idea Cady wrote under the Pat Franklin pseudonym...thanks for the heads-up!

  2. Wow, those Franklin covers are terrible!
    I have 'The Well', but it's still in the tbr pile. Might have to move it a bit closer to the top

  3. “The Jonah Watch” is pretty good, if just a bit obliquely written. In superficial ways it reminded me of “The Ghost of Flight 401.”
