
Saturday, February 28, 2015

Evil Eighties Continues...

My series with Grady Hendrix, Evil Eighties, continues at This week I reread and reviewed Joe R. Lansdale's '80s splat classic, The Nightrunners. Incidentally, today is the fifth anniversary of Too Much Horror Fiction! And I began it with, natch, The Nightrunners!


  1. Congratulations on the anniversary.

    I read "Nightrunners" after discovering this site, last year.

  2. Congratulations, sir! Five years of dedication - that really says something.
    It may sound sentimental, but I can say that this site gave me a lot of inspiration and exposed me to dozens and dozens of forgotten '80s horror gems. Thank you for that. I wish we could have easier access to those old books in Poland, because we usually only get translations of new titles. No old school Landsdale, then! And no Schow, Skipp and Spector and many others...
    But aside from that, here's to another five years of TMHF! Keep up the good work!

  3. Excellent write-up @ the Tor site. Your reaction to your first tastes of Lansdale's magic reminds me of my own reaction (which was prompted by BY BIZARRE HANDS, almost as seminal a collection for my development as a horror-genre fan as King's NIGHT SHIFT).
