
Sunday, October 5, 2014

Clive Barker born today, 1952

Best birthday wishes to the one and only Clive Barker, pictured here from the cover art of the wonderful 1991 nonfiction book Shadows in Eden, edited by Stephen Jones. It's an essential piece of Barkerania, and one day I'll get a review of it posted here. Promise!


  1. 'Shadows in Eden' is great, and like King's 'Danse Macabre' and Campbell's 'Probably', you can dip into it anytime.
    If you go to Barker's Twitter page, there's a link to an exhibition, that has his original hand written script of 'Hellraiser'.

    1. Yeah it came out at the very height of my Barker obsession--fall 1991, also when IMAJICA was published. A grand time!

  2. Interesting, I wasn't familiar with Shadows in Eden so thanks for the heads up!

    I've been meaning to re-read some of The Books of Blood this year, with them celebrating their 30th anniversary. I recently turned 30 myself so have been trying to devour as much as possible from 84 as I can this year.

    And thanks for the comment you left on my blog a while back. Sorry it took me so long to reply to you, I've been slacking on that front the past few months.

    Keep up the great work sir and hope you don't mind but added you to my blog roll.

    1. Thanks Simon! And do reread BoB; they really hold up, and for myself there is very little horror fiction of that era that stands above Barker's short stories.
