
Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Is This for Real or Just Some Kind of Hell

You tell me!

Seriously though how can  you resist this stepback art (artist unknown)? Read a review however in which the reader lamented that this scene never appears in the book! Ha. And thanks to Evans Light for the incredible scan.


  1. Nice Iron Maiden reference...:-)

  2. Thanks - I love finding relevant lyrics from my favorite bands to use as post titles!

  3. Damn.. I have been following your blog for a couple of years now, 7 I never noticed that before.. but now you have mentioned it, it's so bloody obvious!! (slaps own forehead) DOH!!


    I'm not trying to promote my own blog but I wrote a statistical analysis of this novel to show that 666 is really about economic disparity and rising rates of divorce than hauntings. Thought maybe you'd be interested. And if this comes off as promotion, I apologize. It's meant in the spirit of sharing

  5. Having read this book back in the day, I must disagree... there is a scene similar to this drawing near the very end.

  6. matthew, that's a totally cool and not that far-out of an interpretation! Thanks for linking to it.

    Andre, hmm, maybe the reviewer didn't finish the novel!

  7. Reading Jay Anson's 'The Amityville Horror' is what galvanized me to be a fervent horror reader. I still have the urge to consume this novel one day. Keep up the good work, Will. I'm a new fan of your blog.
