
Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Let Fury Have the Hour

Apropos of nothing, simply some cover art I really dig for a novel I couldn't get into (although the movie version is something of a psychic '70s pleasure). All are pretty striking: above, the '80s reprint with feathered 'do art by John Melo, a couple UK editions complete with King references, then the terrific stepback from the original 1977 US paperback, and at bottom the de rigueur movie tie-in edition. Enjoy!



  1. Ah yes. That one third from the bottom is the one I picked up years ago. But just couldn't get into the story.

    Would you say this is Farris' most heralded novel? Or is there another I should watch out for?

    1. I've reviewed and enjoyed both SON OF THE ENDLESS NIGHT and ALL HEADS TURN AS THE HUNT GOES BY. Farris is quite a good writer, more mature than many, just sometimes the story he tells doesn't grab me. He's got dozens of novels tho.

    2. Another often-recommended Farris novel is "When Michael Calls."

      I haven't read it or seen the movie though.

      "The Fury" is good in both forms, though.

      I wasn't too impressed with "Dragonfly" or "Minotaur."

  2. Geez, do they really want to put the word "Sexy" in such big letters over a picture of two children?
