
Saturday, September 29, 2012

Michael Talbot Born Today, 1953

Excellent covers from the novels of the late Michael Talbot, who wrote one of the more sought-after horror paperbacks of the 1980s - 1982's The Delicate Dependency - as well as these two titles, The Bog (1986) and Night Things (1988). Both were first published in hardcover by William Morrow and then put out in paperback by Jove.They're both still on my to-be-read lists...

Night Things hardcover art by Guy Kingsbury; paperback art by James Warren.
The Bog hardcover artist unknown; paperback art by Gary Ruddell.


  1. I enjoyed all of Micheal Talbot's horror novels, he was a talented writer.

  2. Another one for the "To Read" list.
