
Wednesday, May 9, 2012

"Hell vomits up the damned..."

Can't really beat that tasty tagline can you? I've never read Pranks (Leisure 1993) but it's one of those books that I seem to find in all the used bookstores I haunt. I can't bring myself to purchase it, not with one of the most uselessly ludicrous covers ever. But I had to share it, and you can thank me later. Cinema Somnambulist reviewed it awhile back, see what he says here.

Unrelated note - or maybe it is related, as I'm featuring a cover for a book I neither own nor have read - I'm reading a couple horror short story collections this week, almost finished one, and should have a review up soon. I'll give you a few story-title hints: "Buckets," "Soft," "Cuts"... Stick with me now!


  1. Yikes. I'm not even sure what the hell I'm at looking at here. Is it a teensy axe in a child/pumpkin head doorknob? Jesus...

    There was a short story penned by Bloch called "Pranks" in an anthology called HALLOWEEN HORRORS edited by Alan Ryan. It gave me a little shiver the first time I read it, and it's undoubtedly leagues better than this.

    Hmm, didn't F. Paul Wilson have a collection called SOFT AND OTHERS? I've been digging up a LOT of titles for my list of books of interest...

  2. Ooh, the GF just snagged a copy of HALLOWEEN HORRORS! Will have to borrow....

  3. Oooo, I really like that cover. I may have to track down this book. If nothing else it will look cool on my bookshelf. I also now want a copy of Halloween Horrors! Why is everytime I come on this site I end up buying something I never planning on from Amazon?

    I know the collection you are talking about and hope you like it. I enjoyed most of the tales in that collection. "Cuts" most of all, if that was the voodoo one. Or maybe I liked "Buckets" the best. I can't remember. They were both really good. He is one of my favorite authors.

  4. F. Paul Wilson. Personally, "Faces" is my favorite of his short stories...

  5. I found this site yesterday, and I'm obsessed. Of all the books I noted after I jumped down the rabbit hole, though, Pranks is the priority purchase. It looks like a horrible read I'll enjoy very much.
