
Monday, September 19, 2011

Junkyard by Barry Porter (1989): And I'll Lay Right Down in My Favorite Place

Oh, Barry Porter, where are you now? Not only does this monstrous Junkyard dawg feed on terror... and blood!, it can also bend the rules of physics so it can fit in oil drums to hide out, waiting for unsuspecting teenagers necking, or hapless homeless folk. You know that's coming. Dark Souls also came out in '89; for the life of me I can't tell what's going on in that cover. Anyone...?


  1. Um... That is a traffic light with a hunky, slightly bemused face bolted on top. Made of irony, I would suppose.
    Looked again: now I'm not sure. Belay that suggestion, number one.

  2. It's a dark soul, sillyhead!


  3. I was going to say that it looks like some kinda diamond-shaped compound eye.

  4. I assume that had to be a peek into the future- specifically, Jersey Shore. Proof? 1. Popped collar. 2. Ridiculous amount of chest showing. 3. Some serious bling is being showcased. 4. Smug look of self importance. There's not quite enough 'poof' going on with the hair, but no one can be right all the time.

  5. The JUNKYARD cover is amazing! So, wait, has anyone actually read these?

  6. I see that Junkyard book in used book stores pretty often. Always wondered about it...

  7. I've never seen either of those books in real life! I like Kat's Jersey Shore interpretation of DARK SOUL though.

  8. Junkyard is a great book. Not about dogs at all. Mutant rats.
