
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

See No Evil by Patricia Wallace (1988): Once Seen...

... it cannot be unseen. There is no way this book does justice to its cover. No way. It seems so perfect...


  1. There's a sillyness about that cover illustration that only makes it creepier, no?

  2. That cover is freaky. Can you imagine falling asleep reading the book and then waking up to that looking at you in the middle of the night. Yikes.

  3. Ah yes, the old standby of using something innocent (a kid, a toy, a clown) and mixing it with something creepy (a skull, blood). It's been used again and again and again...

  4. Wow, life after the orphanage has not been kind to little Annie.

  5. I've actually read this one. Wallace isn't a bad author. Her chapters are short, crisp, and the books are fast paced. They're quite light and this one's no execption; it's set in a hospital where a little girl has just had an eye transplant. She usually touches on medical topics, but don't expect Robin Cook here. She keeps things for general non-physician readers. I'm reading EDEN'S EYES right now by Shawn Costello, and it's a much more thought-provoking take on the subject, but Wallace's book is a quicker, speedier read.

  6. The outfit is totally Vicki's from "Small Wonder" but the hair is that of the obnoxious neighbor girl.
