
Sunday, May 31, 2015

Gary Brandner Born Today, 1933

Best known as the author of The Howling  werewolf series, Gary Brandner wrote a good handful of 1980s horror novels published by Fawcett Gold Medal. These have got to be some of the lamest covers of that era (except, of course, his Cat People novelization, which is the movie poster image anyway)! Brandner died in 2013.


  1. I'm a big fan of Brandner's work, and it's great to see him remembered here. I find him a very underrated writer...yes, it's '70s and '80s pulp-like fare, but few did those kinds of books better.

  2. Is that bird shit or jizz on the cover of Carrion?

  3. Read the Brain Eaters and although it suffers a bit of dated material and women falling at the feet of the hero I did enjoy it. As long as you strap yourself in for cheese 70/80's style disaster flick like fun you should enjoy yourself.

  4. The Howling was one of the first (if not the first) horror novel I ever read and it made a lasting impression on me. It seems it left an impression on everyone else as well because the author is always referred to (as in most of these covers) as ¨the author of The Howling.¨ The only other book of his that I've read was his novelization of Cat People, shown above, which I read because I'm a big fan of the movie.

  5. Maybe not great covers, but I do like how the flames form a devil on "Hellborn."
